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The Osmose program

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The Osmose program was designed to build a research network on intangible cultural heritage law.

Grçcinieku iela. Izstâþu zâle "Mâkslas telpa". Dziesmu un deju svçtku tautas lietiðíâs mâkslas izstâde. Photo : Aivars Liepiņš. Avec l'aimable autorisation du Centre national letton pour la culture.

Credits : Aivars Liepins, courtesy of the Latvian Academy of Culture.

Managed by Dr. Anita Vaivade (Latvian Academy of Culture) and Dr. Marie Cornu (ISP-CNRS), this research program seeks to create a shared framework and a common method to undertake a comparative study of national experiences in relation to intangible cultural heritage law at the international level. This project promotes academic discussions by bringing together researchers, young researchers, and professionals, interested in intangible cultural heritage, with different insights on this topic, such as: Jihane Chedouki, Jérôme Fromageau, Clea Hance, Christian Hottin, Lily Martinet, Vincent Négri, Émilie Terrier, Marie Trape, Noé Wagener, and Catherine Wallaert (from France), and Liga Abele, Dace Bula and Daina Teters (from Latvia) and with the scientific contribution of Dr. Wang Li (from China).

The program’s reflection is also broadened by contributions made by experts invited to seminars and participating in meetings and discussions.

Whereas intangible cultural heritage has existed in national law well before the adoption of the Convention for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage (2003), the global reach of this notion has only developed recently in the wake of the Convention. Even if the outcome of the Convention’s international impulse, may seem to have harmonized national law, the use of the same concepts and tools defined by the Convention has indeed spread among different countries, it also raises a vast diversity of legal issues connected to many different fields of law.

As part of this research program, several seminars have been organized in France in Latvia with the support of Campus France (the French agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services, and international mobility), the Ministry of Culture and Communication, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia, and the national Latvian research program Habitus and sponsored by the International Society for Research on Art and Cultural Heritage Law.


  • Panel “Law / Osmosis 2014,” Conference Metamind 2014 “The order in destruction and the Chaos of order, Freedom”
    Speakers: Christian Hottin, Vincent Négri and Anita Vaivade
    Moderator: Anita Vaivade
    Art Museum Riga Bourse, September 25, 2014
  • Patrimoine culturel immatériel : droit national et droits subjectifs
    Speakers: Sanita Osipova, Daina Teters, Kristin Kuutma, Janet Blake, Harriet Deacon, Émilie Terrier, Vadims Mantrovs, Christian Hottin, Noé Wagener, Jérôme Fromageau et Marie Cornu
    Moderators: Dace Bula and Anita Vaivade
    Latvian Academy of Culture, Riga, June 29, 2015

Upcoming event

Date to be announced


Workshops have also been organized as part of the Osmose program (more information).

Summary overview of the “Osmose” research report:

Summary overview of the “Osmose” research report