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Catégorie : The Osmose program (english version)

For a full presentation of the Osmose program, please visit this page.

Rapport OSMOSE : le PCI dans les droits nationaux

Nous avons le plaisir de mettre en accès libre le rapport OSMOSE du 14 février 2019 qui a conclué la première phase de recherche du projet OSMOSE, relatif au PCI dans les droits nationaux. Cette recherche a fait l’objet d’une publication en anglais Marie Cornu, Anita Vaivade, Lily Martinet et Clea Hance (éds.). Intangible Cultural Heritage Under National and International Law Going Beyond the 2003 UNESCO Convention. Edward Elgar Pub, 2020, 224p. ainsi qu’une journée de restitution lors d’un colloque international qui s’est tenu à l’Institut d’études avancées Le rapport final identifie plusieurs grands axes permettant de structurer les points...

Le droit comme patrimoine (appel à contributions – Bordeaux, 1er et 2 décembre 2022)

Dans le cadre du programme de recherche OSMOSE sur le droit du patrimoine culturel immatériel, nous lançons un appel à contributions sur le thème “Le droit comme patrimoine”. Le colloque aura lieu à Bordeaux les 1er et 2 décembre 2022, les propositions sont à envoyer avant le 30 avril !

Intangible Cultural Heritage under national and international law. Going beyond the 2003 UNESCO Convention

This illuminating book offers an authoritative analysis of the legal issues relating to safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Taking a critical approach, it provides a unique insight into the impact of international and national law on the present and future safeguarding processes of intangible cultural heritage.

Retour sur l’atelier « labels et autres procédés normatifs du patrimoine culturel immatériel » 3/3

Le deuxième atelier du projet de recherche Osmose pour l’année 2017 était dédié à la thématique des labels et des autres procédés normatifs du patrimoine culturel immatériel. Nous avons publié dans deux articles précédents une partie des documents résumant les communications faites à cet atelier (ici et ici). Vous trouverez ci-dessous la dernière partie des textes et des diapositives présentés à cet atelier. Lists and logos for the intangible – German lessons of hierarchy and exclusion Sophie Schönberger, Professeure de droit public, Université de Constance, Allemagne Texte complet de la communication : Lists and logos for the intangible – German...

Intangible cultural heritage in national laws: a dialogue with the 2003 UNESCO Convention

On June 6, 2018, the Osmose research team presented the main results of their research, at a side event during the seventh session of the General Assembly of States Parties to the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. A document summarizing the research axis studied by the researchers was handed-out during the event. This summary overview of the research is available for download below. Document:

Looking back on the seminar « Intangible cultural heritage in nature: spaces, resources and practices » (seminar, Riga, September 8, 2017)

​ On September 8, 2017, an international research seminar entitled « Intangible cultural heritage in nature: spaces, resources and practices » took place at the Latvian Academy of Culture in Riga. This seminar was organized as part of the Osmose research program. A summary of the presentations, round tables and discussions is available bellow. Document :

Retour sur l’atelier “labels et autres procédés normatifs du patrimoine culturel immatériel” 2/3

Dans un premier article, nous avons publié une première partie des documents résumant les communications faites au deuxième atelier pour l’année 2017 du projet de recherche Osmose. Vous trouverez ci-dessous la deuxième partie des textes, des résumés et des diapositives de cet atelier. Présentation des enjeux de mise en œuvre du Indian Arts and Crafts Act aux États-Unis Clea Hance, Doctorante en droit, Université Paris-Saclay Résumé de la communication : Cette intervention se concentre sur la présentation du Indian Arts and Craft Act (IACA) voté par le Parlement américain en 1990 et les enjeux de sa mise en œuvre. C’est...

“Intangible cultural heritage in nature: spaces, resources and practices” (seminar, Riga, September 8, 2017)

  Intangible cultural heritage can be created by communities as a response to their environment and their interaction with nature. Farming, fishing, hunting, pastoral or food gathering practices are, for instance, associated to natural resources and spaces. Safeguarding these elements of intangible cultural heritage requires, not only recognition of a community’s rights to access ecosystems, such as forests or seas, but also the right to use its resources. States may grant to communities hunting, shing or harvesting rights, to preserve their traditional lifestyle and the intangible cultural heritage it sustains. These rights must however be exercised in an ecologically sustainable...

“Traditional cultural expressions in international law”, Lily Martinet’s thesis defence

On June 17, Lily Martinet defended her thesis on “Traditional cultural expressions in international law”. Thesis summary: At the beginning of the 21st century, the use of the term “traditional cultural expression” spread among several international forums. Although they have never been legally defined, traditional cultural expressions are mentioned by two instruments originating within the United Nations system: the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005) and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007). This thesis presents how this notion emerged and evolved in international law. It also identifies...

Osmose program: overview of the activities in 2016 (workshops, publications…)

This post was originally published in French. The Year 2017 represents a decisive year for the project, we have gathered a series of answers from our colleagues across the world and will be working on them during two workshops in September and November 2017. Nevertheless, a quick overview of the activities undertaken in 2016 is in order: 1.- Workshops : Two international sessions were organized in 2016: June 28 and 29, 2016: Session in Paris and Cachan (Unesco et Ecole normale supérieure de Paris-Saclay) From December 2nd to December 4th 2016: Session in Riga (Académie de la Culture de Lettonie...

Intangible cultural heritage in the law, and then ? (Conference, Paris, Dec. 16, 2016)

by Marie Trape · Publication 11/23/2016 · updated  02/01/2017.     This post was originally published in French.The 4th session of the seminar “New study fields in cultural heritage law” will end the 20th Festival de l’imaginaire organized by la Maison des cultures du monde. This event also highlights the 13th ICH day. 2016 is at the same time the 10th anniversary of France’s ratification of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage – the year it entered into force – and the year France chose to enact a new law on creation, architecture, and heritage, which...

Videos of presentations made at Riga’s seminar on intangible cultural heritage

This post was originally published in French. In a previous article we mentioned the international seminar devoted to intangible cultural heritage, that took place in Riga in June 2015, in the framework of the Franco-Latvian research program Osmose. Some of the presentations made at this event were recorded. You can access these recordings hereunder. The full program with a summary of each presentation is available online. Safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage and intellectual property : the public domain in question Émilie TERRIER, Doctoral student, University of Poitiers, France In 2003, the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage...

Overview of activities in 2014-2015 on intangible cultural heritage law

This post was originally published in French on November 27, 2015. Osmose is a Franco-Latvian research program aiming to develop a methodology for a comparative study of intangible cultural heritage law. During the years 2014 and 2015, several scientific events were organized in France and in Latvia as part of this program managed by the Latvian Academy of Culture and the Institut des sciences sociales du politique, supported by Campus France, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia, and the national Latvian research program Habitus and the International Society for Research on Art and Cultural Heritage...

Looking back on the 2015 Riga Seminar devoted to intangible cultural heritage

This post was originally published in French on November 8, 2015. The seminar that took place in Riga, on the 29th of June 2017 chose a broad perspective to encompass the diversity of legal issues raised by the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage, and include in its scope cultural heritage law, environmental law, human rights law and intellectual property law, This event sponsored by the International Society for Research on Art and Cultural Heritage Law was organized within the framework of the Osmose research program “Building a research network on intangible cultural heritage law” managed by the Latvian Academy of...