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Overview of activities in 2014-2015 on intangible cultural heritage law

This post was originally published in French on November 27, 2015.

Osmose is a Franco-Latvian research program aiming to develop a methodology for a comparative study of intangible cultural heritage law. During the years 2014 and 2015, several scientific events were organized in France and in Latvia as part of this program managed by the Latvian Academy of Culture and the Institut des sciences sociales du politique, supported by Campus France, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia, and the national Latvian research program Habitus and the International Society for Research on Art and Cultural Heritage Law.

1) June 6, 2014, CECOJI-CNRS, Ivry-sur-Seine, France

Participants : Marie Cornu, Catherine Wallaert, Vincent Négri, Christian Hottin, Noé Wagener, Émilie Terrier, Anita Vaivade, and Liga Abele

The main objective of the first workshop was to launch the research program, to reflect on its goals, the results contemplated and the path that led to them. Identifying the participants’ responsibilities and the steps to follow were at the center of this meeting. The way to proceed forward in the program was decided. The will to organize workshops open to the public and closed work sessions was expressed. The state of the art of studies on intangible cultural heritage law was also closely examined, and especially data collection realized from June to December 2013 by Lily Martinet, who was working at the time for the French Ministry of Culture and Communication.

2) September 24, 2014, National Service for the protection of heritage, Riga, Latvia

Participants : Anita Vaivade, Liga Abele, Christian Hottin, Vincent Négri, and Noé Wagener

During this work session, the method of comparative law was evaluated in relation with the goals pursued by the research network. A distinction was discussed between intangible cultural heritage as a global set of factual data and as a new legal concept. Participants discussed diverse topics such as: the globalization of law, the role of States and communities, the importance of taking into consideration the diversity of meanings that the term “community” can take in different legal contexts and the relationship between human rights and intangible cultural heritage in different regions of the world and legal instruments.

3) November 4, 2014, École nationale des chartes, Paris, France

Participants : Marie Cornu, Jérôme Fromageau, Catherine Wallaert, Christian Hottin, Noé Wagener, Émilie Terrier, Lily Martinet and Anita Vaivade

This work session focused on advancing the program’s reflection. It fostered discussions on the substance of the comparative approach, in reaction to Noé Wagener’s note on the problems of methods raised by a comparative study on intangible cultural heritage. Emilie Terrier gave a stimulating and informative presentation on the use of the software “Zotero” to manage references, and how to use it when elaborating a bibliography for the Osmose program. Studies on intangible cultural heritage policies, such as the study prepared by Finland, were also examined. At last, Lily Martinet reviewed the content of the website WikiPCI, which is closely linked to the program’s interests.

4) March 31, ISP-CNRS, Cachan, France

Participants : Marie Cornu, Jérôme Fromageau, Catherine Wallaert, Vincent Négri, Noé Wagener, and Anita Vaivade

During this meeting, progress on the bibliography was achieved. To broaden the discussion on intangible cultural heritage, experts were identified; a list of respondents was established for a future dissemination of the questionnaire being drafted, and a calendar was set for the program’s next steps. The meeting was also devoted to finishing preparation for the international research seminar “intangible cultural heritage: national law and subjective rights,” that will take place in Riga, in June 2015.

5) June 30, 2015, Museum of the Kuldiga Region, Latvia

Participants : Kristin Kuutma, Janet Blake, Harriet Deacon, Émilie Terrier, Christian Hottin, Noé Wagener, Jérôme Fromageau, Marie Cornu, Liga Abele, Dace Bula, and Anita Vaivade

A fruitful discussion took place in the presence of invited researchers, reflecting on possible approaches and methods to compare the different national experiences concerning intangible cultural heritage in law, and the introduction of this notion in other disciplinary discourses. Current events were also discussed, such as the draft “Palestinian Law on the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage”. Extension of the cooperation network was also explored, as organizations and researchers sharing the same interests with the Osmose program were identified.

6) Novembre 9 and 10, 2015, École nationale des chartes, Paris and ISP-CNRS, Cachan, France

Participants : Marie Cornu, Catherine Wallaert, Jérôme Fromageau, Christian Hottin, Noé Wagener, Marie Trape, Lily Martinet, Cléa Hance, Liga Abele, Dace Bula, Daina Teters and Anita Vaivade

Participants reviewed the methodology for the Osmose program during this work session. The questionnaire was reassessed in the light of the mock answers provided for France, Latvia and China. These first tests of the questionnaire helped to improve the comparative method. Subsequently, an amended version of the questionnaire was prepared. It will be addressed to respondents in different countries and regions of the world. Different paths for the program’s continuation were discussed, among which: extending the cooperation network and keeping the research notebook as main reference for news about the program.

Picture by Aivars Liepins, courtesy of the Latvian Academy of Culture.

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vaivade (27 novembre 2015). Overview of activities in 2014-2015 on intangible cultural heritage law. Droit, patrimoine et culture. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse

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